December 8th, 2024 was an exciting day for the community of Port Salerno! SOS and Elev8hope pulled off a wonderful event at our local Pirates Cove! Our very First Community Jamboree was a wonderful success. The MCFF Benevolent Association found Santa and delivered him to all the kids anxiously awaiting. We must admit, Santa knocked it out of the park and was amazing! The children were all so happy (ok, there may have been one or two crying). After Santa made his appearance, we had snowfall! Right in our own little town. There was live music provided by none other than our local Easy Street, vendors upon vendors with amazing products, bicycle raffles (12 bikes went to lucky winners), 50/50 drawing, great food provided by Pirates Cove, and remember that hot red golfcart? Yes, it has finally found a happy new owner. There were stockings for the kids and frisbees for Jamboree memorabilia. We've posted hundreds of photos for everyone to see on the Save Our Salerno Facebook page. Go check them out! We also held a house lighting event. Originally, we were looking for two winners, but we had a tie for first place, so we ended up with three winners! Thank you to everyone who joined in on the fun and helped light up the community.
We can't thank our community enough for the outpouring support of our FISRT Jamboree. We are already looking forward to next year.
This event couldn't have been pulled off without help. We would like to thank Pirates Cove for offering their venue, tents, staff and great food. Elav8hope for the bicycles we raffled off, the MCFF Benevolent Association for delivering Santa to us along with all the awesome vendors. A huge thank you to our Event Committee, Cathy Harvey, Laronda Gray, Chandler Jose, Terry Kobl, Pat Swickicki, Ellen Asselin, Sherri, Tami and Casey. Along with the many volunteers and student volunteers that showed up to help make it a success.
Most importantly, behind our success is our founder and Sponsors. Without Casey Cass and our sponsors, SOS wouldn't be the thriving Not for Profit Organization it is today.
Cheers and Merry Christmas to all!