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A snake may shed its skin, but it's still a snake


When someone is so money hungry,

they just can't leave Port Salerno alone.

Please take a minute to read the emails from Crowley to the District 4 commissioner, her reply and his again. These are exact e-mails and have not been altered or changed in any way.

Good morning.

I have spent the summer reflecting on how to properly develop Port Salerno. When I started this process I naively believed that the rules were written to provide a clear and unambiguous road map for developers. It is now clear that the rules are purposefully convoluted in order to create a quagmire in order to delay development. Whilst I can see the efficacy of such an approach to delay infrastructure in the western communities, I fear that a one sized fits all rebel approach to growth will have devastating impacts on our coastal communities.

I cannot over state the impact that development will have on Port Salerno. One large project will bring more cars and people to the area than entire neighborhoods.

I have tried to work with you and the other commissioners and I have met with staff and I have gone through the process. I have very little to show for my effort other than code violations, being harassed by the health department and other governmental agencies. I believe that you have dealt with me honestly but more is required.

I have finished my designs and I am going to begin the review process. I expect to be treated unfairly at every turn and I have accounted for that in my designs. There is still an opportunity for the community to purchase lands and to preserve the character that the residents seem to desire but I need a champion on the other side in order to make a deal. I don't know who else that would be other than you but if there is another pathway I am open to suggestions.

Who should I be talking about this with if it is not you? I'm looking for, at the very least, some basic consensus that we are working towards the same goal. After two years it still seems that what the community wants is still quite clouded. Can developers and the community work together or should I abandoned this pretense and simply accept that all development will be contested?

If you would like to meet on this topic I would be glad to stop by. It would be nice to have this very candid but valuable conversation with the leadership team as well.

With Regards,

J. Corey Crowley


Salerno Downtown Authority





I think it is in our best interests to meet. Who to meet with is up to you. If you want the scalding to begin sooner than later, Paul Schilling and Susan Kores can be included. I think that it's beneficial to get the bad news, if there is any, as soon as possible.

Thank you for your genuine interest.



I'd like to meet with Paul but he will need details in order to provide his feedback. I have been searching for intent in an organization that purposefully obsfucates their intent. The county, and especially the CRA, points to the rules as being unbiased whilst the opposite is true. I don't know how to distill intent. We, the developers, read the rules. Perhaps the land planners are more connected politically to what the intent is from Martin County but I am trying to take an innovative approach towards a very difficult problem. Most redevelopment fails. I think that is largely due to the constraints of the systems that are designed for large projects.


I have advocated for a more personalized and streamlined approach so that the government can outline what they would like to see and then we can negotiate a compromise. I can speak to the incentives on the developers side and, if we can strike an agreement, I can help negotiate with the other owners.


I'd like to see my role as genuine opportunity for the community but, instead, I have been received negatively. Much of the negativity was expected. I hope what remains after the summer is a consensus that we have the power to do big things if we choose to do them. The alternative has always been the same. Rows of apartments and no interest in commercial or mixed use.


The community doesn't want any change but they will only get the worst type of change if we don't find a common ground. I have already sold a portion of my properties and I have been hesitant to sell the important parcels but I can almost assure you the next owner will know the process and build more apartments. Without community sponsored parking any commercial enterprises are not viable.


Can you cobble together whatever group of people you think is needed? As small as possible. And I will do whatever is required. Even having a meeting outlining requirements and goals would be helpful.


With Regards,


J. Corey Crowley


Salerno Downtown Authority



The Port Salerno community remains a place that values family and history not just profits. Your involvement can make a difference in preserving the essence and integrity of our beloved area. Let's continue to preserve our hometown.


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